Supporting you with baby sleep, potty training, and coaching

Hi, I’m Sasha! My mission is to help you navigate parenthood with confidence. As a busy mom of two, I get it. When I became a mother for the first time I was overwhelmed. What was the right choice for my family? 

The truth is parenting feels hard because it is hard. There is no one right or wrong, and we weren’t meant to do it alone. I have helped thousands of families navigate baby and toddler sleeppotty training, and the challenging moments of busy parenthood.

I support my clients with personalized, easy-to-apply plans, backed by science. That’s my approach, and that’s what you’ll find in my resources, Instagram channel, and articles.

My approach to supporting you

Every journey through parenthood is unique. Whether you are career-driven or starting a side business, whether you have one child or three, whether you have family support or are a single parent, how you approach parenting will be based on your parenting style, your daily life, and your child’s unique personality. You need an approach and a plan adapted to you.

Regardless of your circumstances, parenting comes with a high mental load. We live in a world filled with “should’s,” “don’ts.” and overwhelming amounts of parenting guilt. So how do you find the right path for you and your family? You need support that is easy, to understand and to apply.

Parenthood brings a lot of unknowns, and a lot of questions. It can get scary, trust me. I’m here to empower you, and give you the confidence to overcome anything that the wild roller coaster of parenting sends your way.

Family testimonials about my services

How it works

  1. Clarify. We first establish what kind of parenting experience you are looking for, and what challenges are getting in your way. For example, I try to uncover what makes you and your situation unique: whether you are expecting your first child, juggling the work-life balance, or supporting your child’s specific needs.

  2. Create. Together, we build a practical and sustainable plan to ensure you can achieve your goals. We make sure these goals are realistic, achievable, and impactful. I have worked with parents on plans and goals from helping your baby sleep through the night or overcoming toileting anxiety, to turning the chaos into calm or navigating the ultimate work-life-balance.

  3. Implement. You and I put the plan we defined together into action. I help you troubleshoot challenges and ensure you’re on-track through my ongoing support.  Together we overcome hurdles and celebrate wins.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

  • The services I offer are focus on helping parents through the difficult moments of parenthood. I offer a wide variety of services:

    If you do not see a service offered here, feel free to get in touch to find the right solution for you.

  • I’ve spent the last decade cultivating my approach and philosophy to parenting. I’ve developed strategies and tactics to overcome main challenges in sleep, potty training, and navigating the busy demands of parenthood.

    I believe the following things matter in overcoming parenting challenges:

    • Data and science: Parenting can be emotional enough, so we have to cut through the confusion. Be it in sleep, potty training, or coaching, I try to bring structure to what we know in order to better track and understand where we’re going.

    • Experience & Instincts: Where data doesn’t exist, I rely on two things: my own experience, but most importantly, the belief that every parent has the ability and instincts within themselves to overcome any challenge. I help you unlock that confidence and define your unique the path through parenting.

    • Holistic approach: The world of parenting is filled with to-do lists, shoulds, and advice. It can feel utterly overwhelming to “get it right” but there’s not one way to parent. We look at all the factors that impact your life or current challenge and together we design the right approach for your unique family.

    • Long-term approach: Once we find solutions to the immediate challenges, I want you to walk away confident that you’re able to address future such challenges.

    • Global mindset: I have parented in four countries and supported families across 6 continents and over 20 countries. I bring a unique understanding of diverse cultural traditions and intercultural approaches to parenting.

  • Item description
  • I’m not here to discourage you from using an application. However, the objective of these apps are very different from what I seek to provide: they offer a standard solution that covers all standard cases.

    The reality is that parenting is anything but average. Both in the peaks and troughs. About a third of the parents that come to me have had poor experience with these apps.

  • For the most part, I only offer virtual support, either through video, voice, or text. As part of our initial call, we can discuss if your circumstances and need require in-person support.

  • Yes, more to come on this.

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